Play a song through a radio
Do you want to listen to music at a higher volume, or through better quality hi-fi stereo
speakers? You can play music through an FM radio.
1 Tune the receiving radio to a free frequency.
2 Select >
Music player
3 Select a song or a playlist.
4 Select
Play via Radio
5 Enter the frequency to which you tuned the receiving radio. For example, if the
frequency 107.8 MHz is free in your area and you tune your FM radio to that
frequency, also tune the FM transmitter to 107.8 MHz.
To adjust the volume, use the volume function in the receiving radio. Make sure your
phone volume is not muted.
Tip: To easily activate or deactivate the FM transmitter, add the Play via Radio widget
to your homescreen.
This application is provided for personal use of legally obtained content only.
Music and audio 63