Nokia 600 - View a conversation

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View a conversation

You can see the messages you have sent to and received from a particular contact in a

single view, and continue the conversation from that view.
Select >



Select a contact from the Conversations list. The conversation opens, and all messages

sent to and received from that contact are displayed.
Reply to a message in a conversation

1 Select the text input field, and write your message.

2 To add an attachment, select .
3 To add more recipients, select


Add recipient


4 To send the message, select


The message is sent to the number last used for the contact.

When you send a new message, it is added to the current conversation. If no

conversation exists, a new conversation is started.

50 Messaging

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When you open a received message from the home screen, by default, the message

opens in the Conversation view for a particular contact.